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Trump’s Executive Order Freezing Federal Payments Is Harmful, Illegal and Unconstitutional

By Blog Post, Press Statements

Late on Monday, the Trump administration issued an executive order halting payment of grants and loans to state and local governments, social service providers, and others. This action is illegal and unconstitutional. And it is likely to cause immediate and widespread harm to people and families across our state and the country. It must be rescinded by the President as soon as possible.

There are still many uncertainties about the impact of the order. The U.S. Office of Management and Budget has issued a number of clarifications of it—however, they have done little to clarify the scope and intention of the order.

It appears now that funding for state and local programs that provide veterans’ services, ensure public safety, and help seniors will be halted. So will some funding for our school districts and federal support for child care as will funding for programs that protect our air and water from pollution, support our farmers, and provide help for those who are food-insecure. Funding for rental assistance and housing rehabilitation will be blocked as well.

In addition, organizations that provide direct services will lose funding. This means that some programs may not be able to meet their payroll in a week or two and others will have to borrow money at high interest rates just to stay open.

And whether it’s a student with disabilities unable to get support from their school district, a veteran who loses their transitional housing, a senior who can’t get a ride to doctor’s appointments, a family that loses renter assistance, or a city that can’t afford to pay its police officers, millions of people’s lives will be made much harder and may even be put at risk completely by this action.

The Pennsylvania state budget receives a total of $46 billion from the federal government to support a wide range of programs. While we believe that some of the largest of those programs—including Medicaid / Medical Assistance, Title I funding for schools, and Pell Grants—are not included in the funding freeze, we estimate that at least $14 billion of federal grants to the state is at stake. At the moment, we cannot precisely estimate the amount of federal funding of social service agencies that is at risk. But it is a great deal of money.

In addition to the damage that will be done to individuals and families, state and local government employees, and social service agencies, the sudden and unclear order will create chaos throughout our state.

And on top of all that, the order is both illegal and unconstitutional. It is an example of what was called in the 1970s “impoundment,” the practice by which the president and his administration withholds funds that have been authorized and appropriated by the Congress. The Impoundment Act of 1974 makes it illegal for the president to take such action without seeking approval of Congress and providing a reasonable rationale for the action. And in 1975, the Supreme Court ruled that impoundment was unconstitutional in Train v. City of New York.

The Trump administration’s action is not just deeply damaging to the people of Pennsylvania and the entire country but is deeply damaging to our constitutional and legal order. President Trump must immediately reverse the order to ensure everyone can continue to access the essential public services they count on to meet their basic needs.

Update: February 13

Soon after we wrote this post, federal courts blocked the Tump-Musk freeze on spending. But they have followed the freeze with more unconstitutional and illegal shenanigans.

  • They are now in the process of shutting down not one or two but three federal agencies,  USAID, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the Department of Education. To be clear, those agencies were created by Congress. No president has the right to to shut them down without an act of Congress.
  • It appears they have not fully complied with two court orders to lift the spending freeze. Just yesterday they demand New York City return funds that were appropriately and legally send to the city to reimburse for providing housing for immigrants (and pace Musk, not in luxury hotels).
  • Attorney General Bondi is suing sanctuary cities to force them to use their police resources to round up undocumented immigrants. This is an unconstitutional request. States are semi-sovereign entities that are independent of the federal government. The federal government may not commandeer the police forces of our cities or states.
  • Trump and Musk have fired the Inspector Generals of federal departments even though the law the created those position explicitly say the president may not fire them.
  • Trump is corrupting the administration of justice by having his attorney general order that federal charges against Mayor Eric Adams be dropped. In return, Davis has ordered members of his administration to not criticize the president. Rules prohibiting the president from making decisions about who should be prosecuted and who not were instituted after the Nixon administration precisely to prevent a president from using this power to corrupt the administration of justice and  to do so in a way that illegitimately expands his power.

All of these actions are the act of a dictator not a president. And they should make us worry about the fate of our representative democracy.

Perhaps the  courts will block  Trump from taking these illegal and unconstitutional actions. And perhaps he will obey the courts.  But there are two other possibilities.

One is that the Supreme Court, composed of a majority of justices Trump has picked, will legitimate actions that to any unbiased legal mind are clearly illegal and unconstitutional.

The other is that the Supreme Court will rule against Trump and then Trump will ignore their ruling.

Frankly, at this point, we are not sure which  would be a worse result. But either way, the president will be acting lawlessly. And that means our form of government as we have known it, has been overthrown. For we will have a president who will and, if not stopped in some other way, can do anything he wants. And that is not the president created by a constitution in place since 1789 and the laws that have been enacted under it.

We don’t know what happens then. We hope a massive outpouring of protest will encourage President Trump to think twice about destroying our form of government or embolden a majority of members of Congress to act.

But we would be dishonest if  we did not say that we are deeply worried when we think about what a president untethered  by any legal or constitutional constraints might do in response to massive protests.

RELEASE: Trump Priorities Pose Stark Contrast to MLK’s Vision of Equality and Opportunity for All People

By Press Statements


Contact: Kirstin Snow,


Trump’s Plan to Fund More Tax Breaks for the Wealthy ByCutting Health Care for Millions Repudiates MLK’s Legacy and Takes America Backwards  


Pennsylvania Billionaires Are $120 Billion Wealthier Over 7 Years of Trump Tax Law, Yet Republicans Plan to Give Them $5.5 Trillion More  


Harrisburg, PA As Donald Trump begins his second presidential term on Martin Luther King Day, the contrast between the two leaders couldn’t be more stark. Trump and his fellow Republicans in Congress have made it their top priority to slash health care and other vital public services for working families to fund trillions in tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy and large corporations. King, the civil rights icon and working families champion, envisioned a democracy of equal opportunity in which everyone in America, no matter where they live or what they look like, has access to affordable health care they can count on, good public education, safe housing, and other basics that average people need to prosper in today’s economy. In contrast, President Trump and GOP leaders in Congress are promoting policies that help the rich get richer at the expense of everyone else. 


Trump and the GOP already cut taxes mostly for the rich and corporations the last time they controlled Congress, in 2017. Thanks in part to those tax cuts, Pennsylvania billionaires have grown $120 billion richer in just the seven years since Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was enacted. Nationwide, billionaires have added $3.9 trillion to their collective wealth in those seven years according to an ongoing tally by Americans for Tax Fairness using Forbes data. Tax breaks for the wealthy under the TCJA added $2 trillion to the national debt, while doing little to create jobs or benefit averageincome people struggling with rising prices and high costs.  



Net Worth 

Jan 07, 2025 

($ Millions) 

Net Worth 

Dec 30, 2017 

($ Millions) 


Wealth Growth 

($ Millions) 


Wealth Growth 


All PA Billionaires 





Jeff Yass 





Arthur Dantchik 





Victoria Mars 





Michael Rubin 





Thomas Hagen 





Edward Stack 





Mitchell Morgan 





Jeffrey Lurie 





John Middleton 






Many of the same Republicans who voted for the law, including Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, Rep. Scott Perry, Rep. Lloyd Smucker, Rep. Glenn Thompson, and Rep. Mike Kelly, are now citing recordhigh debt as an excuse to cut Medicaid, Medicare, the Affordable Care Actand other public investments to increase economic security for working families.  


Most of the Republican tax law expires at the end of this year, but Trump and some leaders in Congress want to permanently extend it at a further cost of $5.5 trillion. The bulk of these breaks would continue to go to the rich, while working families would face higher health care costs, loss of critical services, and bigger future deficits. 


“I feel sure the man whose birth we celebrate this day, Dr. King, would be outraged by the tax-and-spending plans of the man we swear into office this same day, Mr. Trump,” said Marc Stier, executive director of the Pennsylvania Policy Center. “The astronomical growth in the wealth of billionaires in Pennsylvania and around the country in the seven years since the Trump-GOP tax law was enacted is a clear indication of who the Trump tax cuts were meant to serveand who will benefit if Congress permanently extends those cuts. It’s also clear who will pay for more tax breaks for the rich: working families across the board will suffer under an extended tax law even as our economy becomes more unequal and as the racial and economic divides deepen and we teeter further and further away from Dr. King’s dream.” 


Many price-gouging corporations will also continue to benefit disproportionately under the Trump tax law. The centerpiece of the 2017 tax law was a two-fifths cut in the corporate tax rate, from 35% to 21%. Corporations didn’t need a tax cut since they were already enjoying record profits and the share of federal revenue they contributed had substantially shrunk in the prior few decades. Trump and the GOP claimed their big corporate tax cut would trickle down to workers and communities, but instead it’s been used to further enrich wealthy CEOs and shareholders even as consumers faced persistent inflation and price increases on everything from rent to groceries. The corporate tax cut is one of the main reasons the Trump-GOP tax law was so slanted towards the richest 10% of Americans, who own 93% of all corporate stock. Health care corporations like UnitedHealth Group were among the firms experiencing record profits even as premiums and outofpocket costs continue to rise. 


Extending the Trump tax breaks will only make things worse, heaping more benefits on those who need them least, while cutting health care for people of all ages, shifting costs to families, and widening the gulf between billionaires and the rest of us. In our state alone, the richest 1% of households would get a $68,700 annual tax cut, while the bottom 60% would get only $530 on average if Trump and Congressional Republicans were to get their way.  



More tax breaks for the wealthiest households and large corporations take our nation in the wrong direction by doubling down on inequality, making cuts in the critical resources that families depend on most, and rolling back progress in health and economic security. The Republican proposal to extend tax breaks for the wealthy, for instance, would strip millions of health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Although premiums are still too high for some households and businesses, improvements to the ACA tax credits have expanded coverage and have made health insurance more affordable for millions more people over the last several years, saving enrollees an average of $700 in 2024 and resulting in record enrollment numbers.  


Improvements in health care coverage under the ACA and Medicaid have resulted in recordlow numbers of uninsured people, but some policies are set to expire at the end of 2025. Republicans are already refusing to extend enhanced tax credits that benefit 92% of people who buy ACA coverage. Without these, premiums will shoot up for millions of ACA policyholders, increasing by over 75% on average for ACA enrollees. In some states, patients will see costs more than double, making coverage unaffordable. In Pennsylvania, a 60year-old couple making 400% of poverty would have to pay an additional $16,500 if the enhanced tax credits are not renewed by the end of 2025.  


An Urban Institute study estimates that around 4 million people would lose coverage altogether and be left uninsured if the enhanced premium tax credits expire. People with low incomes and people of color would see the greatest losses. In Pennsylvania, an estimated 32,000 people would lose coverage, resulting in a 5 percentageincrease in the uninsured population. Currently, 472,000 people in Pennsylvania receive their health care coverage through the ACA.  


The biggest cuts to health care proposed so far are to the Medicaid program, which provides health coverage for nearly 80 million peopleof all ages, including 3.1 million people from Pennsylvania. To pay for more tax breaks for the rich and corporations, Republicans are proposing a $2.3 trillion cut to the joint federalstate program that funds health care for over half of U.S. children as well as long-term care for seniors and people with disabilities. Medicaid is the leading source of health care for low-income workers, leading payer for births,and biggest provider of substance abuse and mental health treatment.  


In addition to taking health care from millions of patients, cutting Medicaid also disrupts state budgets. Medicaid is the largest source of federal aid to the states and plays a critical role in supporting rural hospitals, disaster relief efforts, and states with the fastest growing population of people 65 and over. As America confronts an unprecedented wave of aging people, demand and cost for Medicaid will only increase. The share of the population over 65 years old is projected to jump by almost half over the next 25 years, to over 80 million 


Increased access to affordable health care through the ACA and Medicaid have benefited everyone and started to address longstanding racial, gender, and economic disparities in access to health care. Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American people, who are the most likely to lack access to affordable coverage, gained the most from investment in these programs. The uninsured rate among Black people fell by almost halffrom 20.9% to 10.8%—between 2010 (when the ACA was enacted) and 2022 when the Biden reforms were in place. The Latino uninsured rate fell by almost as much, and the rate among Asian Americans fell by even more. Much of that progress is threatened by the health care cuts proposed by Trump and the Republicans to help pay for their tax breaks for the rich. And, because rich people are disproportionately white, trading health care coverage for tax giveaways to wealthy households would doubly exacerbate the nation’s racial economic divide. The average white household is almost a quarter-million-dollars richer than the average Black family, and that gap has grown in recent years.  




PRESS RELEASE: Federal Fightback Community Conversation in NEPA

By Press Statements


January 9, 2025

Contact: Kirstin Snow, Communications Director,


RELEASE: Pennsylvania Policy Center, Pennsylvanians Together Campaign, Action Together NEPA, Labor, Partners Hold Community Conversation: Healthcare, Tax Changes, & Impacts on PA Working Families

Luzerne County, PALast evening, the Pennsylvania Policy Center, the statewide affiliate of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, and its action arm, Pennsylvanians Together, in partnership with Action Together NEPA, held a Community Conversation at the UFCW 1776 Union Hall in Jenkins Township, PA.

The event focused on the proposed federal cuts to Medicaid, SNAP, and other critical programs that could be addressed in the federal reconciliation bill as soon as this month. These cuts pose a serious threat to Pennsylvania and our state budget potentially creating a multi-billion dollar shortfall and jeopardizing priorities like public education. Discussions in Washington about extending and expanding the 2017 tax cuts only heightens these threats for working families in Pennsylvania.

The event was open to everyone and included a real conversation about policy proposals that could harm Pennsylvanians, and what we can do about them.


The event featured the following speakers and organizations:


  • Marc Stier, Pennsylvania Policy Center Executive Director
  • Jessica Britain, Communications Director, Action Together NEPA
  • Alisha Hoffman-Mirilovich, Executive Director, Action Together NEPA
  • Representative Jim Haddock, PA House District 118
  • John Kelly, Vice President, Bread Basket of NEPA
  • Amanda Gordineer, MS, RDN, Director of Food Equity, Food Dignity
  • Keshia Williams, SEIU Healthcare PA
  • Senator John Fetterman, in absentia, supporting quote below
  • Congressman Rob Bresnahan, in absentia, supporting quote below



Senator John Fetterman: “Pennsylvania families rely on programs like Medicaid and SNAP to make ends meet, put food on the table, and get the health care they need. No matter who is in the White House, I will fight to protect these programs for families and seniors. I’ve promised to jam up any legislation that cuts SNAP and I stand by that. We need to defend and expand these programs, not slash them to fund tax cuts for big corporations.”


Congressman Rob Bresnahan: “The federal government’s goal should always be to improve the lives of American citizens. Programs such as SNAP and Medicaid offer important assistance to those in need, ensuring all citizens have access to basic needs like food and healthcare. In my new role, I will see to it that these programs can continue to support millions of Americans nationwide.”


John Kelly, Bread Basket of NEPA: “With less support from SNAP, we anticipate a significant surge in demand for our services, potentially exceeding our current capacity, which we are very close to. This will require us to seek additional funding and put extra strain on our already overworked volunteers.”


Marc Stier, Pennsylvania Policy Center“Pennsylvanians face a double threat: First, tax cuts for the wealthy multi-national corporations and ultra-rich individuals. And, to pay for those tax cuts, we expect cuts to Medicaid, SNAP and other critical programs and tariffs that will raise taxes and increase the costs of goods for all of us. If these plans are adopted the vast majority of Pennsylvanians will suffer.”


Amanda Gordineer, Director of Food Equity, Food Dignity: “SNAP invests over $3.1B back into Pennsylvania farmers and local grocery stores every year. Budget cuts to SNAP are a serious threat to our small food retailers. SNAP and Medicaid are vital lifelines to protect all of us if something unexpected happens like we lose our job, receive a serious health diagnosis, or get into an accident. These programs are investments in the health, well-being, and immediate economic stability of our community.”


Rep Jim Haddock: “Pennsylvania families shouldn’t have to choose between putting food on the table and accessing life-saving healthcare just so millionaires and wealthy corporations can get another tax break. These proposed cuts to Medicaid and SNAP are not only cruel but will devastate the most vulnerable members of our communities while widening the gap between the rich and the rest of us.”


Alisha Hoffman-Mirilovich, Executive Director of Action Together NEPA: “All across the country and right here in northeastern Pennsylvania, families are struggling to pay for their groceries and to find affordable access to healthcare. Proposals to cut Medicaid and SNAP would have a devastating impact on those families and our local communities. We’re having this urgent conversation to highlight that impact and fight for our friends and neighbors who rely on these critical programs.”


Keshia Williams, SEIU Healthcare PA: “Medicaid is not about policies, race, ethnicity, backgrounds, or political parties. It’s about people, it’s ensuring that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, has access to the care they need to stay healthy. Don’t take away our healthcare to give tax breaks to billionaires when we need to fight and protect and expand Medicaid. Pennsylvania needs CARE not CUTS.”


Pennsylvanians Together is a campaign working to ensure that all Pennsylvanians can thrive—not just survive. For too long, we’ve let politicians, who serve the interests of corporations, and the rich divide us based on what we look like, where we come from, where we worship, how much money we have or whether we are native-born or immigrants. By dividing us, they have given us public policies that do too little to help most Pennsylvanians while making the rich and corporations even wealthier.


New Census Data Shows Failure and Success of Pennsylvania Public Policy

By Blog Post, Press Statements

The annual release of census data is often a guide to policy success and failure at both the national and state levels. This year is no exception. The American Community Survey data released yesterday shows that Pennsylvania’s failure to raise the minimum wage has led to our state falling behind the rest of the nation in measures of poverty and household income. But our early participation in the Medicaid expansion, along with new federal subsidies in the health care insurance marketplace has led to a reduction in the percentage of people uninsured in our state.

Poverty data points to the continuing failure of Pennsylvania to raise the minimum wage. The standard poverty rate in the United States fell from 11.5% to 11.1% between 2022 and 2023. But it rose slightly in Pennsylvania from 11.8% to 12% although that increase was not quite outside the margin of error of .3%. It is troubling that poverty remains higher in Pennsylvania than in other states and that it increased in the last year during a time of tight labor markets. The most likely explanation of our higher-than-national poverty rate is the failure of the Pennsylvania General Assembly to raise the minimum wage above $7.25. Pennsylvania remains one of only 16 states not to raise its minimum wage above that federal level. (Sources: For national data, U.S. Census Bureau, Official Poverty Rates by Age: 2009 to 2023. For state data, U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates, Table S1701, Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months for 2023 and 2022.)

Another data series also points to the same failure of public policy in Pennsylvania. While the nation saw a small, but statistically significant, drop in median household income, adjusted for inflation, of .2%, the decline in Pennsylvania was statistically significant and six times greater, -1.3%. It was also greater than the states that surround Pennsylvania. Again, the static minimum wage in Pennsylvania likely accounts for our state falling behind the national average. (Source: Katherin Engle and Kirby G. Posey, “Household Income in States and Metropolitan Areas: 2023,” American Community Survey Brief ACSBR-023, US Census, September 2024.)

Pennsylvania’s lower minimum wage reduces household income and directly increases poverty by holding down wages. More than 20% of workers in the state would see an increase in their wages if we were to institute a $15 per hour minimum wage. A low minimum wage also depresses consumption and economic activity in the state. Because minimum wage earners spend almost all they make, an increase in the minimum wage to $15 per hour would raise consumption in the state by more than $5 billion.

Census data on the share of the population that is uninsured points to a continued success of Pennsylvania policy—our early adoption of the Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act, as well as the increase in subsidies for health insurance in the marketplace under President Biden. The percentage of people without insurance fell both nationwide and in Pennsylvania. According to ACS data from 2019 to 2023, it fell from 9.2% to 7.9% nationwide and from 5.8% to 5.4% in Pennsylvania. (Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 1-year Estimates, Table S2701, Selected Characteristics of Health Insurance in the United States for 2023 and 2019.)

Photo of PA capitol building, shot from far above with a slight fish eye effect. Sunny and warm colors.

PPC Releases 2024–25 Pennsylvania State Budget Analysis – Part One

By Budget Analysis, Policy Briefs, Press Release, Press Statements


July 26, 2024

CONTACT: Kirstin Snow,


Harrisburg, PA—Today the Pennsylvania Policy Center (PPC) released a new paper, “The Fiscal 2024–25 Pennsylvania Budget,” by executive director, Marc Stier. The analysis examines Governor Shapiro’s second budget and highlights funding successes as well as  failures.

In February, PPC called Governor Shapiro’s executive budget proposal A Pennsylvania Budget to Celebrate. After criticizing a 2023–24 budget that included the right priorities but inadequate funding for them, we wrote that the budget presented by Governor Shapiro today not only has the right priorities but provides the funding needed to meet them—at least in the next fiscal year. The investments the Governor proposes for public K–12 education, higher education, economic development, housing, and other priorities are substantial and bold. And as important as the proposed new funding is, the Governor’s budget also recognizes the need for Pennsylvania to do some things differently in all these areas.

The budget enacted by the General Assembly has many of the good features that Governor Shapiro proposed and also the funding to match them. There are some major new initiatives—but there are also some major missed opportunities. In many respects, it falls short of Governor Shapiro’s proposals and in some cases falls far short of them.

Stier commented, “This is disappointing. And Pennsylvanians should know why. While most of the Governor’s proposals received strong, and sometimes bipartisan, support in the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives, they were rejected in the Republican-controlled Senate—and that is despite the best efforts of the Senate Democratic leadership to move them forward.”


Response to the 2024–25 PA State Budget — Education Funding

By Blog Post, Policy Briefs, Press Statements

July 11, 2024

Governor Shapiro and the members of the General Assembly have had about 18 months to respond to the Commonwealth Court ruling that Pennsylvania’s system of funding K-12 education is unconstitutional. And Pennsylvania politicians have had decades to recognize that far too many low-income and Black and brown schoolchildren have not received an adequate education, which has limited their opportunities and denied the Commonwealth the full flowering of their talents and abilities.

The K–12 budget that we expect to be enacted soon recognizes the problem. But it does not put the state on a path to solving it.

It recognizes the problem in two ways.

First, for the first time in our history, the school code embraces a formula that quantifies the problem. The school code says that school districts need $4.5 billion in new funding to adequately and equitably fund our schools. Because of an unfortunate change in how poverty is counted, this amount is somewhat less than the $5.1 billion we believe is truly needed by our school children. But it remains a substantial number.

Second, again for the first time in our history, the General Appropriation bill directs the majority of new K–12 funding to the school districts that are least well-funded. This includes $493 million in the Ready to Learn line item and $60 million in the Basic Education Funding line item that is directed to 11 school districts that are especially underfunded.

These two new initiatives are major achievements.

However, this new spending meets only a bit more than 10% of the total needed to give every child the opportunity he or she needs. And, unlike the House-passed bill HB 2370, the new school code does not set a timeline for filling 100% of the adequacy gap.

We have been calling on the General Assembly to finish the job on school funding. The budget legislation they will soon pass takes up the job. But it is very far away from finishing it.

It is important for the people of Pennsylvania to understand why we have come so far but still have so far to go.

We have come so far because our political leaders understand that more than 70% of Pennsylvanians recognize the need for substantial new funding of our schools. And in the last four months, tens of thousands of them have contacted their state senators, representatives, and Governor Shapiro to let them know that they stand with our children and the future of our commonwealth.

We have come so far because House Speaker Joanna McClinton and Majority Leader Matt Bradford and the other leaders and members of the House and Senate Democratic caucuses have been champions for our kids.

Why does this budget not put the state on a path to meeting its constitutional and moral responsibility to fund our schools? Even though they did not appeal the Commonwealth Court decision, Senate and House Republicans have never put forward a plan to meet their obligation under it. They rejected the Basic Education Funding Commission’s plan. And they have sought to whittle away at Democratic legislative proposals and reject a complete plan to fund our schools adequately and equitably.

We are glad that Republican leaders have agreed to the achievements we noted above but they have refused to go further and accept the long-term plan our kids and the Constitution of Pennsylvania require.

So, while we believe Pennsylvanians should appreciate the important steps forward in the budget this year, we note with sadness that unless Governor Shapiro and the General Assembly enact a plan to fully and fairly fund our schools, another generation of our school children will be denied their constitutional and moral right to an adequate and equitable K–12 education. And not just our kids, but all Pennsylvanians, will suffer as a result

Click HERE to learn how much your school district will receive.


Op-Ed: A State Earned Income Tax Credit Should Be Part of a Budget Deal in 2024

By Policy Briefs, Press Statements

A State Earned Income Tax Credit Should Be Part of a Budget Deal in 2024

by Marc Stier, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Policy Center

The Pennsylvania state budget for fiscal year 2024–25 is now officially overdue, so we’re still left wondering: What might a deal look like?

There are two critical components that need to be addressed.

The first is enactment of year one of the Basic Education Funding Commission’s plan to adequately and equitably fund education.

Enacting this plan is a moral and constitutional requirement. Failing to meet it would leave the General Assembly to answer to both the voters and the courts. Public opinion polls show overwhelming support for meeting this goal. And while courts are generally reluctant to tell legislators how exactly to spend money, for three reasons this barrier is lower in Pennsylvania right now than in other times and places.

  • Neither Democrats nor Republicans sought to appeal Judge Jubelirer’s ruling that our current system of K-12 school funding is unconstitutional.
  • The Basic Education Funding Commission has put forward a plan that is tailor-made to meet Judge Jubelirer’s concerns.
  • And with a surplus of $14 billion in the bank, a Pennsylvania court can order implementation of that plan without taking the even bolder step of requiring new taxes to fund it.

The second component is the implementation of a state earned income tax credit.

I make the second point with some reluctance. I am concerned—as the Governor and state legislators should be—about using up the state surplus with a tax cut. That surplus is needed to pay ongoing operating expenses and the entire education plan.

Until recently, Senate Republicans seemed to agree. But Republican senators recently enacted, with some Democratic support, a tax cut that would cost the state $2.7 billion in fiscal year 2025–26.

In doing so, Republicans acknowledged that it is entirely legitimate to use the surplus to fund ongoing expenses. A tax cut is as much an ongoing expense as funding for K-12 education.

If we start with the Republican proposal to use $2.7 billion of the surplus in fiscal year 2025–26 for ongoing expenses, the question is how to divide it between the K-12 funding and a tax cut.

The Republican plan to cut taxes by reducing the personal income tax by half a point and eliminating the gross receipts tax is not acceptable for two reasons.

One: it is far too large. The state is going to need $2 billion in fiscal year 2025–26 to fund the second year of the K-12 education plan.

And, two: the plan is heavily weighted to the rich and the corporations that generate electricity. A half-point reduction of the PIT would reduce taxes for the top 1% of taxpayers by $5,435 per year. It would reduce taxes for the middle 20% of families by only $181 per year. And because of the tax forgiveness program, it would most likely not reduce taxes for people in the bottom 20% by more than $20 per year.

In a state and local tax system that already takes 11.8% of the income of the bottom 99% and only 6% of the income of the top 1%, a tax cut weighted so heavily to the richest Pennsylvanians and corporations is unacceptable.

What would be acceptable, however, is a state earned income tax credit (EITC) set at 30% of the value of the federal EITC already received by Pennsylvanians.

Why might Republicans accept this?

Well, for one thing, it’s a Republican plan that was initially proposed by Richard Nixon and expanded with bipartisan support many times.

It is a program that has been proven to encourage work.

It reduces poverty more than any other federal program except Social Security.

It is simple to administer, requiring no new bureaucracy but only an additional line on the PA-40 tax form.

By encouraging more Pennsylvanians to file for the federal EITC, it could bring as much as $40 million in federal funds to Pennsylvania at no cost at all.

It helps working people, not with government spending but with a tax credit and would benefit 1.45 million families. The average tax cut for those who receive it would be $773. More than 88% of the benefits would go to Pennsylvania families earning less than $52,100 (and those above that level who get a tax credit have three or more children.) By a small margin, these families disproportionately live in Republican House and Senate districts.

And it would only cost the state $770 million—far less than the tax cut passed by the Senate.

If a tax cut is a necessary part of reaching a budget deal by June 30th, a state earned income tax credit should be part of it.

Statement: PPC Opposes Senate School Voucher Bill 1280

By Blog Post, Press Statements

The Pennsylvania Policy Center stands in opposition to Senate Bill 1280, which would force Pennsylvania taxpayers to give billions in handouts to private and religious institutions with virtually no accountability.

After failing to enact a state budget for FY 2024–25 by the deadline of July 1, Pennsylvania Senate Republicans sent a clear message today that they continue to prioritize giving handouts to the wealthy and diverting public funds to private and religious schools over fully and fairly funding our public schools.

On Wednesday, July 3, the Senate Finance Committee is scheduled to consider SB 1280, a new voucher tax credit bill that would cost taxpayers initially about $2.3 billion next year and more in future years.

We oppose SB 1280 because

  • it diverts $2.3 billion in desperately needed funding for our public schools to an ill-conceived voucher program that most Pennsylvanians oppose.
  • it is too small to help low- and moderate-income students attend a private school and would disproportionately benefit relatively well-off families who already have children enrolled in private academies. (Nationally, twice as many parents with incomes over $75,000 send their kids to private school than parents with incomes below $75,000.)
  • it provides absolutely no accountability for the funds spent, giving taxpayers no assurance that the schools receiving these funds provide an adequate education.
  • it allows private schools receiving these funds to continue to discriminate on the basis of race, gender, and sexual orientation, religious and political beliefs of parents, and whether a student is pregnant or has a child, as many private schools in the state already do.
  • it is unfair to Pennsylvanians based on where they reside, as the benefits of this program would largely go to parents and students in areas of the state where there are many private schools, leaving rural families with few options to utilize the vouchers.

Senate Bill 1280 would cost $2.3 billion. It comes just weeks after the PA Senate passed a tax cut with a $2.7 billion price tag for fiscal year 2024–25 that mainly benefits the wealthiest Pennsylvanians.

If SB 1280 is passed, Senate Republicans will have demonstrated that the state has sufficient funds to meet our moral and constitutional responsibility to adequately and equitably fund our schools.

And yet, the Senate still has no plan do that.

Neither the voters nor the courts of Pennsylvania will approve of this failure in priorities.

Press Release: New Penn Policy Center Report on Ballot Drop Boxes

By Press Statements



CONTACT: Kirstin Snow,


NEW REPORT: The Case for More Voting Drop Boxes

Harrisburg, PA—Today the Pennsylvania Policy Center released a new paper, ‘Ballot Drop Boxes Make Voting Better’, by senior advisor Susan Gobreski.

Effective voter reforms are ones that make it easier for every eligible voter to securely cast their ballot. Ballot drop boxes have proven to be an effective, secure, and desired method for collecting ballots, increasing voter convenience, and ensuring the integrity of the electoral process. Furthermore, Pennsylvanians are “voting with their feet” — across Pennsylvania, voters are using drop boxes, demonstrating that they are a positive contribution to the voting environment.

“Expanding the use of drop boxes for voting in Pennsylvania is a no-brainer,” said author Gobreski. She added, “Drop boxes increase turnout, decrease barriers to those who may need accommodations, and provide flexibility for those on tight schedules. There are zero downsides to increasing the use of drop boxes.”

Based on the review of the evidence on ballot drop boxes, Pennsylvania Policy Center makes the following recommendations:

  • Pennsylvania should continue to improve the voting process and experience for voters by expanding the use of ballot drop boxes with funding for counties and through policy — this means more options that allow people to vote securely at a time and place that are convenient.
  • Pennsylvania should adopt legislation to set a baseline minimum standard for the use of drop boxes and encourage expansion to bring more options to more communities throughout the Commonwealth.

The widespread adoption of ballot drop boxes is a practical and effective strategy for improving access to voting, increasing voter turnout, and ensuring the integrity of the electoral process. By following best practices in implementing these drop box programs, policymakers can create a more inclusive and robust electoral system that empowers citizens to exercise their democratic rights while saving taxpayer dollars and building public trust in elections.


Statement on House Passage of HB 2370 for 7-Year Education-Funding Plan

By Blog Post, Press Statements


June 11, 2024

Contact: Erica Freeman, Deputy Director of Communications, Pennsylvania Policy Center (267) 496-5253

Marc Stier, executive director of the Pennsylvania Policy Center, released the following statement on the passage of HB 2370:

“The children of Pennsylvania, and especially those who live in poor, Black, and brown communities, have waited decades for the Pennsylvania General Assembly to meet its moral and constitutional responsibility to fully and fairly fund K-12 education.

With the passage of HB 2370 with bipartisan support today, the Pennsylvania House passed a seven-year plan to attain that goal. We call on the Senate to follow the lead of the House and pass this bill as well and send it to Governor Shapiro for his approval.”

Republicans Choose Tax Cuts for the Rich over Funding Education

By Blog Post, Press Statements

Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Joe Pittman (R-41) introduced legislation to cut Pennsylvania’s personal income tax rate from the current 3.07% to 2.8%.

This legislation is both deeply cynical and totally revealing of the unfortunate priorities of Republicans in Harrisburg. For it shows us that, once again, they have chosen to cut taxes for the rich rather than fund education fully and fairly.

Ever since a majority of the Basic Education Funding Commission (BEFC), with the support of Governor Shapiro, embraced a seven-year plan to meet the constitutional obligation to fund our schools, the Republicans have had only one response: “We can’t afford it.” They did not appeal the Commonwealth Court decision, which declares that the current system of funding schools is unconstitutional. They did not propose an alternative to the BEFC plan. They just said, “We can’t afford it,” even though the state has more than a $14 billion surplus.

But while they say we can’t afford to fund our schools, it appears they believe we can afford to cut the state’s personal income tax (PIT) by almost $450 million per year by fiscal year 2028. And because the PIT is a flat tax, most of the benefit of the tax cut would flow to the richest Pennsylvanians. Our analysis shows that Pittman’s bill would, on average, reduce taxes for the top 1% of taxpayers, with an average income of $1.9 million, by $5,435 per year. It would reduce taxes for the middle 20% of families, with an average income of $67,100, by $181. And because of the tax forgiveness program, it would most likely not reduce taxes for people in the bottom 20% by more than $20 per year.

This is not the first time Republicans have chosen cutting taxes for the wealthy over funding education. Just two years ago, they forced Governor Wolf to accept a 60% reduction in the Corporate Net Income Tax (CNIT) to secure a small increase in school funding. That nearly $2 billion-per-year reduction in corporate tax revenues was in addition to the more than $4-billion-per-year reduction in corporate taxes over the last 20 years as a result of phasing out the Capital Stock and Transfer Tax and reducing the CNIT base under Governor Corbett.

These corporate tax cuts, along with our flat tax and overreliance on sales and property taxes, is why Pennsylvania has the fourth most regressive tax system of any state, in which the top 1% pay less than half the share of state and local taxes as families in the middle or bottom of the income distribution.

Moreover, if we compare the decline in share of tax revenues that comes from corporate taxes to the decline in the state share of funding for schools—the primary source of the deep and persistent inequity in school funding—you can see that these data series track one another almost perfectly.

The Republican insistence—sometimes with Democratic connivance—on cutting corporate and other taxes is the prime cause of the current education funding crisis.

Pittman’s bill is just one more instance of these same distorted priorities. And, they are especially problematic because there is no evidence that tax cuts for the rich have in the past, or would in the future, spur our economy or create more jobs at any reasonable cost. There is also a great deal of evidence that fairly funding our schools would lead to greater educational achievement for Pennsylvanians and both economic growth and job creation.

If the General Assembly wants to cut taxes now, there is a far better way to do so than a reduction in our flat tax. The state could adopt a variant of the Fair Share Tax plan the Pennsylvania Policy Center has been putting forward over the last five years. That plan would cut the tax rate on two classes of income wages and interest while raising the tax rate on what we call income from wealth: dividends, capital gains, business profits, royalties, estates, and gambling winnings. Since most income from wealth is earned by those at the top of the income distribution, 54% of any increase in revenues would come from the top 1% and another 24% from the next 4%. More than 60% of families would get a tax cut, and another 22% would see no change in their taxes. Only about 17% of families would pay more.

If the members of the General Assembly just want to provide some tax relief for working people, they could cut the tax rate on income from work to 2.5% and increase the tax rate on income from wealth to about 4.25%, leaving overall revenues unchanged.

Or, if our representatives and senators want to begin to repair our tax system while raising more revenue for education they could set the tax rate on income from wealth at 6.5%, which would raise about $2 billion in new revenues for the state.

Either of these proposals would be a reasonable way to improve our tax system without reducing revenues we need to fully and fairly fund education or increase those revenues by adopting the second plan.

These are the proposals that state legislators would be putting forward if they were ready to fix the immoral and unconstitutional education funding system in Pennsylvania.

RELEASE: New Tax Justice Campaign – Pennsylvanians Should Thrive, Not Just Survive!

By Press Statements


March 19, 2024

Contact: Kirstin Snow, Communications Director,

NEW TAX JUSTICE CAMPAIGN- Pennsylvanians Should Thrive, Not Just Survive

PA’s Tax System Is Upside-Down!

Harrisburg, PA—The Pennsylvania Policy Center, the statewide affiliate of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, and its action arm, Pennsylvanians Together, kicked off their Tax Justice campaign with a press conference in the Matthew J. Ryan Office Building-Main Steps, 451 N. 3rd St, Capitol Complex, Harrisburg, PA. The kickoff included proposals to raise revenue without it taking a dime from working families’ wages.

The event featured the following speakers:

  • Marc Stier, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Policy Center
  • Dwayne Heisler, Campaign Director, Pennsylvanians Together
  • Senator Art Haywood
  • Representative Elizabeth Fiedler
  • Representative Chris Rabb
  • Jacinta Burgess and Suzzanne Ott
  • Ritchie Tabachnick of the Patriotic Millionaires

 The following are quotes from the event:

Marc Stier: “Tax justice means two things. First, fixing a system in which we tax work too much and wealth too little. And second, raising enough revenue from the ultra-rich and wealthy corporations to fully fund K-12 education and provide other public goods we need to enable everyone to thrive.”

Dwayne Heisler: “The truth is we can raise revenue without taking a dime from working families’ wages. We need tax justice in Pennsylvania.”

Senator Art Haywood: “Our tax system is rigged against us. Reducing taxation on everyday people and making the rich pay their fair share is the first step toward fairness.”

Ritchie Tabachnick: “Structural poverty is largely the result of government policy and decisions. The tax code is a big part of the problem and one that can be addressed. We are glad to see Pennsylvania embarking on a new path to address this injustice.”

Suzzanne Ott: “I make a good income and I don’t mind paying my share of taxes. But there is something deeply wrong with a system that asks me and people like me to pay a far greater share of my income than the very richest Pennsylvanians. And it’s not just the high taxes I pay that is the problem. It’s that when the very rich don’t pay their fair share, we all lose the resources we need to provide a good education and other services to everyone who needs them.”

Representative Rabb: “I’m proud to have introduced the Fair Share Tax Plan bill for four consecutive sessions because it holds to account the most privileged taxpayers who pay disproportionately less than the most precariously situated working families across our commonwealth. Money made on money should be taxed at a higher rate than money made on labor and sweat equity in business. In [a] state where the vast majority of taxpayers’ income comes from compensation via salary or hourly wages, a higher tax rate for classes of income that most wealthy Pennsylvanians report represents tax fairness that benefits everyone.”

 Representative Fiedler: “It’s time for us to fully fund public services by ensuring the rich pay their fair share. The Fair Share Tax plan is part of that, as is the bill I have to repeal Pennsylvania’s uniformity clause. Money earned by welding a bridge or caring for people in a senior center isn’t the same as wealth made by a millionaire trading stocks or real estate. It’s different …. and it should be treated differently in terms of taxation.

For too long in Pennsylvania, the rich have paid too little in taxes, while the working class and poor people have paid too much. We’ve started to address this injustice, but there is much more that we can [do], and I believe in time, we will!”

What is tax justice?

Tax justice means that ultra-rich individuals and wealthy corporations pay what they owe.

It means that their share of taxes enables us to provide the common goods we all need to create a growing high-wage economy and a strong future for all of us.

And it means rejecting even more tax cuts for large corporations and the wealthy—tax cuts that create few jobs but undermine public education, the building and improvement of roads and bridges, and other public goods that create jobs.

Our campaign for tax fairness is for every Pennsylvanian, no matter where we were born, where we live, what we look like, or how much we have. Join your neighbors from around the state to tell the Pennsylvania General Assembly to pass tax justice legislation, including the Fair Share Tax plan, a severance tax on natural gas fracking, corporate tax reform, and a working families’ tax credit. And stand with us to support federal proposals to make billionaires and wealthy corporations pay their fair share.

We need tax justice to build a commonwealth and country where everyone, not just the ultra-rich, has the opportunity to thrive.

A video of the event can be found here.

Pennsylvanians Together is a campaign working to ensure that all Pennsylvanians can thrive—not just survive. For too long, we’ve let politicians, who serve the interests of corporations, and the rich divide us based on what we look like, where we come from, where we worship, how much money we have or whether we are native-born or immigrants. By dividing us, they have given us public policies that do too little to help most Pennsylvanians while making the rich and corporations even wealthier.

ADDENDUM: charts below





Statement on Federal Child Tax Credit Expansion

By Blog Post, Press Statements

STATEMENT on Child Tax Credit Expansion – Marc Stier, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Policy Center

The House Ways and Means Committee today voted in favor of bipartisan tax legislation that includes an expansion of the child tax credit along with the restoration of some expired business tax credits. The legislation is the product of negotiations between the chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, Jason Smith (R-MO) and the chair of the Senate Finance Committee, Ron Wyden (D-OR).

This legislation would benefit 19 million children in low-income families, or 1 in 5 of children under 17, including 506,000 children in Pennsylvania. It would especially help Black, Latino, and Asian children, whose parents are overrepresented in low-paying jobs due to structural barriers to opportunity.

In the first year, the expansion of the child tax credit would lift 400,000 children nationwide—and roughly 16,000 kids in Pennsylvania—out of poverty. Additionally, another 3 million kids nationwide, and 120,000 in Pennsylvania, will be made less poor.

The child tax credit gives families a refundable credit of 15% of their earnings above $2,500—which means that the family receives a cash benefit if they have no federal tax liability.  The law makes three important changes in the child tax credit that provides additional benefits to low-income families.

At present, 19 million children in the country receive less than the full credit because of the current “refundability cap” that limits benefits to families with incomes below $40,000. This legislation lifts the cap from the current limit of $1,600 per child to $1,800 per child for tax year 2023 and $1,900 per child in tax year 2024. In 2025, the cap would be lifted entirely and the maximum credit of $2,000 will be available to all families.

In addition, under current law, many low-income families with two or three children receive the same credit as a family with one child at the same earning level. The legislation would allow a credit for each child in a family as is now the case for higher-income families. So, for example, a single parent with two children who earns $13,000 working part time as home health aide currently receives a refundable tax credit of $1575, which is 15% of their earnings above the $2,500. Under the new law, the family would receive $1,575 per child or a total of $3,150.

Finally, the proposed legislation adopts a lookback provision that allows families whose earnings decline in a year to use the prior year’s income to calculate their tax credit. This would help families who experience a temporary drop in their income from also suffering a drop in their child tax credit. This is especially important because of the volatile nature of the low-income job market.

A number of business tax credits are restored as part of the compromise legislation. While we at the Pennsylvania Policy Center have some doubts about the usefulness of these provisions, we welcome this compromise because the benefits to low-income children are so important.

The expansion of the child tax credit under the American Rescue Plan was much larger than under this proposal—and we fervently hope that a similar program will be enacted in the future. Democrats recently put forward a slightly bigger program that would have increased the tax credit for low-income families even more, by ending the exemption of the first $2500 in earnings in the calculation of the credit, and by raising the 15% phase-in rate. But this current legislation, which is rightly targeted to benefit the lowest income families, is a necessary and promising first step in that direction.

The entire program is, rightly, paid for by making administrative and enforcement changes to the Employee Retention Credit, a provision added to the tax code during COVID that has been abused.

Statement on Completion of PA State Budget

By Blog Post, Press Statements

Six months after the general appropriation bill was passed by the Pennsylvania House and Senate and signed by Governor Shapiro, the House, and Senate today took the necessary step to complete the state budget by passing the Fiscal and School Code bills. These code bills are necessary for two reasons. First, some of the previously appropriated funds cannot be spent without the programmatic instructions found in the code bills. Second, some elements of what we think of as the budget consists of tax credits that cannot be included in the General Appropriation bill.

Like any bill that must pass a House controlled by Democrats and a Senate controlled by Republicans, the School and Fiscal Code bills contain many compromises.

From our point of view, it is unfortunate that the School Code includes an additional $150 million in funding demanded by the Senate for our existing tax-credit-based school voucher programs, the Education Improvement Tax Credit, and the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit. But while we believe these programs are a problematic use of the tax dollars that should go to our public schools, the program has been tweaked a bit to reduce the amount of overhead that the organizations that pass funds to private schools can keep: from 20% to 10%. Some minor  accountability measures have been added to the program but it appears that the full suite of accountability measures that House Democrats have proposed—which would finally allow us to understand who, if anyone actually benefits from these programs—were not included. Schools that received tax-credit vouchers  will continue to be able to discriminate based on religion, disability, LGBTQ+ status of students of their parents, academic performance and on the basis of whether a student is pregnant or has had an abortion.

We are also distressed that the $100 million in Level Up funding for our most severely underfunded schools was not included in the Education Code.

On the other hand, there are some important programs—detailed below and championed mostly by Democrats the Senate and Housethat will benefit students in our public schools and community colleges, as well as working people who are caring for children or seniors.

We detail these good programs below. But what this compromise should show us is that those who say there is no tension between vouchers and public school funding are mistaken. Over the last ten years or more, Republicans have continued to hold public school funding and other programs hostage to continued funding of our existing school voucher program.

Much of the language in the School and Fiscal Code bills deals with housekeeping matters that are not subject to much controversy. However, a few important decisions have been made after a long discussion between the parties.


Educator Pipeline Support Grant Program. This program provides grants of $10,000 to student teachers or $15,000 if the student teachers work in a school with high turnover. This is an important program that will help address our teacher shortage.

Libraries. The School Code authorizes an additional $70.47 million in subsidies to public libraries across the state.

Student Teacher Flexibility. This provision will allow retired teachers to be hired as substitutes without losing their pensions. This is another program that will help address our teacher shortage.

Mental Health. The School Code transfers $100 million appropriated for COVID relief to the School Safety and Security Fund. Ninety million dollars in funds will be distributed to school districts, career and technical schools, charter and cyber charter schools, and intermediate units to enhance student mental health treatment.

Environmental Repairs Program. The Environmental Repairs Program will provide grants to school districts, career and technical schools, charter and cyber charter schools, and intermediate units for the abatement or remediation of environmental hazards in school buildings including the abatement or remediation of lead.


Some of the important elements in the Fiscal Code have been moved from the Tax Code, including the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit.

Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit. This part of the fiscal code enhances a program that was initiated in last year’s budget, a state tax credit for the costs of caring for children and other dependents (such as seniors) when such care is necessary for taxpayers to hold a job. The language in the Fiscal Code increases the amount of tax credit that Pennsylvanians can take. The current child care tax credit is increased from 30% to 100% of the federal child care and dependent tax credit.  The size of the child care tax credit is based on income. The largest  biggest tax credit would now be $2,100, up from  $630, under current state law for  families making with an income  $43,000 who spend  $6,000 or more on  care for two children.

Public School Facility Improvement Grant Program. This program will be established in the Commonwealth Financing Authority to provide grants to school districts and career and technical education centers for upgrading facilities. The $100 million in the General Appropriation bill for Level Up will be transferred to this program.

Environmental Repairs Program. The Fiscal Code transfers $75 million in unallocated appropriated funds to the Environmental Repairs Program established in the School Code.

Indigent Defense. The Fiscal Code establishes an indigent advisory committee within the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. This will allow the $7.5 million in the General Appropriations bill to be spent on indigent defense. Pennsylvania has long been one of the few states that does not provide state funds to protect the constitutional right to an attorney.


Earlier this week, our new advocacy campaign Pennsylvanians Together held an event with Santa Claus pointing to 13 pieces of legislation that the House had passed but that had not passed, or even been considered, by the Senate. You can find that list here.

Unfortunately, of the great pieces of legislation on that list, only the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit is found in the bills that have, or will be, passed today. So, still stalled are important pieces of legislation that would raise the minimum wage to $15, cut taxes for working families, provide additional funding for the Whole-Home Repairs Program, reform the Corporate Net Income Tax, provide a shield for abortion providers and those from other states coming to Pennsylvania seeking an abortion, open a window for survivors of sexual abuse to sue their abusers, enact two gun safety laws, protect public workers from dangerous work conditions, allow workers who are not working due to labor-management disputes to receive unemployment insurance, create a cost of living increase for retired teachers and public servants, and extend Pennsylvania’s anti-discrimination law to LGBTQ+ people.