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The Penn Policy Pulse — October 2024

By Blog Post, Newsletter

Welcome to the inaugural edition of Pennsylvania Policy Center’s POLICY PULSE newsletter—we’re glad you’re here! As if this year isn’t busy enough with the approaching election, we’ve been hard at work behind the scenes helping to move forward progressive policies that work for all Pennsylvanians. Check out our work below, and stay tuned for the November edition, where we’ll do an election recap!

PPC had some big wins this year… Thanks in part to your support, we have blossomed into a team of eight people who punch far above our weight in Pennsylvania and national progressive politics. We are unique in that we combine sophisticated policy analysis, leading edge communications—and together with our partners in the Pennsylvanians Together (PAT) and PA Schools Work (PASW) campaigns, which we help lead—effective advocacy and organizing.

Together with our partners, we have had a dramatic impact on politics and policy in our state. Most importantly, we played a leading role in building support among political leaders and the public for taking a huge step forward in meeting our constitutional and moral requirement to fully and fairly fund our K–12 schools. For the first time ever, a majority of new K–12 funding went to historically underfunded schools.

Our priority for this year is ensuring that everyone is paying their fair share… PPC is taking the lead with our new federal–state Tax Justice campaign! Asking highly profitable corporations and billionaires to pay their fair share of taxes is critical to creating opportunity for all by raising the revenue necessary to support more funding for education at all levels, as well as affordable child care, health care, and housing. This campaign is taking off nationwide and if you have not yet seen our 12-foot, inflatable mascot Mr. Riggs, you will likely see him soon at an event near you. Sign our petition for tax justice!

Get to know the Pennsylvanians Together campaign! We saw the first fruits of our long years of policy and advocacy work and training of both legislators and advocates (through our Budget 101 events) to change the political narrative in Pennsylvania in support of economic justice. The Democrat-controlled House passed policy proposals we helped design, and our advocacy campaign, Pennsylvanians Together, long supported, including

  • an expansion of the property tax and rent rebate program for seniors.
  • a state child and dependent care tax credit.
  • new funding for county election boards.
  • an increase in the minimum wage.
  • a state earned income tax credit for working families.
  • an increase in the Whole-Home Repairs program.
  • safety protections for public sector workers.
  • an abortion shield law to protect women coming to Pennsylvania for reproductive health care.

We hope you’ll consider supporting this critical work by making a contribution today.


PPC in the News!

Opinion: What would a second Trump term mean for our taxes? by Marc Stier, PPC Executive Director

Be sure to read our newest blog posts!

Infographic of the Month — Presidential Candidate Tax Plans!



“If eliminating taxes for billionaires and powerful corporations benefited ALL of us, Pennsylvanians would be reaping the record-breaking productivity and unprecedented profits from five decades of “trickle-down”/supply-side economics. But a half century of rewarding greed and exploiting working people has demonstrated that the policy only makes the super-rich wealthier and keeps workers poor and desperate. We don’t have to accept this as “the way it is.” Virtually every other nation has figured out a way to make the super-rich pay the same tax rate as working families. It’s not that hard. There are less than two dozen billionaires in Pennsylvania. We know who they are. We know where they keep their money.” – Jeff Garis, Outreach and Partnerships Director, PPC

We’d be grateful if you would join us in our work by supporting the policy analysis, advocacy, and organizing work that can make a difference for generations to come.

Would you commit to a monthly contribution to sustain our work?


The entire team at the Pennsylvania Policy Center sincerely appreciates your support. And thank you so much for your time. Now, GET OUT THERE AND VOTE!

–Marc Stier, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Policy Center; and the entire PPC team: Adrienne, Castin, Dwayne, Erica, Jeff, Kirstin, and Levana.



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Statement on PA House Passing the ‘Pre-canvassing Bill’ (HB 847)

By Press Statement


May 2, 2024

CONTACT: Kirstin Snow,

 STATEMENT on House Bill 847 – Marc Stier, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Policy Center

 Legislation would give counties 7 days to pre-canvass mail ballots ahead of Election Day

(Harrisburg, PA) — Pre-canvassing is the process by which county election officials prepare mail and absentee ballots for counting on Election Day. Pennsylvania’s voters have been waiting YEARS for approval for pre canvassing which would allow counties to manage the election process and deliver results to voters as quickly as possible. There are several reasons the Senate must pass this legislation now:

  • This legislation is not loaded with partisan wish lists; it is straightforward and supported by the County Commissioners Association, an organization with Republican leadership, and numerous organizations that support voting rights.
  • It helps address the challenges that election officials face in administering elections and getting results to people as quickly as possible, which helps provide assurance to voters that the system is working.
  • Pre-canvassing can also help protect the right to vote by providing a chance for voters to be notified if there is a technical problem with their ballot, helping to prevent voters from having their votes not counted due to small technical errors like a missing envelope or the wrong date.
  • It would avoid a replay of the 2020 presidential election, wherein it took PA election workers nearly a week to count and certify mail-in ballots, thus delaying the vote count on the national level.

The Senate must act to pass this bill — all the people who have said they have any concerns can do the one thing that local election officials from all parties have said they need. It is time for the Senate to do the commonsense thing, and that is to pass this legislation in a bipartisan fashion.


Making Our Votes Count for the Issues We Care About

By Blog Post

Voting access. Abortion access. Climate change. Public education. Redistricting.

Pennsylvanians continue to focus on critical issues that matter to our quality of life. In 2023, we showed up to elect school boards, local municipal officials, and county commissioners AND to elect judges to our local and state courts. We both voted by mail and went to the polls on Election Day, showing that we want to participate in our democracy in ways that work for us. In fact, voter turnout was higher than in 2021! A couple of key reasons: abortion access continues to be a hot topic, and people are responding to threats to voting rights and seeing, more than ever, the roles that courts play in other critical issues such as protecting our right to a “thorough and efficient” education, which was affirmed in a landmark school funding decision this year. [You can read more about our work on school funding here, including our memo on how education contributes to democracy.]

Many people do not realize that elections happen in years when there is not a high profile presidential or federal election. Pennsylvania Policy Center worked to make sure we mobilized our existing supporters and reached out to new people to remind them about the high stakes involved related to issues they care about. We partnered with Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts to provide critical information about local and state judicial elections to more than two dozen community leaders to support them in communicating with their supporters. We contacted voters directly, promoted the issues on social media, ran online ad campaigns, and collaborated with our allies and partners in Pennsylvanians Together, a statewide coalition of grassroots resistance groups, reaching more than 75,000 people with high-impact content about critical policy issues and civic participation.

Our work continues in 2024 — we will continue to make sure that our voices are represented as we advocate about all the issues that are important to us and will be making sure that we show up for democracy, for our rights and freedoms, and for each other!